2005-05-17 15:14:04野種子


I feel very unhappy; my life is determined by money.
Money, money, money, so many things are related to money.
I only know how to get money from my parents.
I only know how to use money to buy the things I really need.
But, I don’t know how to get money by myself and use it to buy the things I really need.
My future is determined by money.
I can only choose the discipline in the university which can earn a lot of money in the future.
I must earn much money so that my family can live in a bigger house.
I must earn much money so that my parents need not worry about money every day.
I must earn much money so that my parents need not argue about money.
I must earn much money so that my parents need not be unhappy about money every day,
How can I get rid of money?
NO.I can’t.
My life is determined by money just like my parents.