2010-10-01 21:44:49acceleration

My eleventh work order

Trial !!! I continue to challenge  again  and  again   !!


I keep challenge my ability continuously so that I get good  garde to have " My Eleventh Work Order"


I feel very happy Because  it  has   to  be  done  my   myself.


My eyes look at  my hand to say in my heart :


I   will  overcome all  hard  things and  I   strongly believe I can  make it!!


I   believe !!!  I   just   do  it.


The coming   order  amount totally more  than  twenty  thousands


Last time ,I only have nine thousands in (順便請老師說一下IN  ON  哪個用於特定地點和日期!!)sep 20.


 I  keep  challenge myself   than  more  best(表示我一直挑戰自我,好更好!!)


To  have the excellent  abillty in the begining   can  get over anything.


Irene 2010-10-11 17:08:18

1) I feel very happy Because it has to be done by myself. => becuase..要小寫! myself 前面要加上by

2) I believe !!! I just do it. => I trust I can make it!

3) I keep challenge myself than more best(表示我一直挑戰自我,好更好!!) => I keep challenge myself to become more than the best.

Irene 2010-10-04 10:55:59

First of all, congratulation for this coming order which stands for a great challange for you. Wish you can make it!! :)

1) I continue to challenged and challenge!! => I keep challenge my ability continuously. 或寫成 I continue to challenge again and again. ( 注意!! to 後面的動詞要用原形, 除非有特殊例子)

2) 第二句可接再第一句後面一起寫, I keep challenge my ability continuously so that I get good garde to have " My Eleventh Work Order".

3) I feel very happy.Because this my hand get to finish. => 此句不清楚要表達為何, 如果是要說我很高興因為這必須是我自己完成的,可寫成: I feel very happy because it has to be done by myself.

4) My eyes look at my hand to say in my heart: => I look at my hands and say to myself .. ( look 的主詞是人)

5) I will finish off all hard things , => I will overcome all hard things and I strongly believe I can make it!! ( finish off 此片語是負面意思毀滅, 如果要使用請單純用finish即可)

6) Work Order are total more than two millions. => The coming order amount are totally more than two millions. (句子當中已經有主要動詞are, 所以總共的total要變副詞)

7) Last time ,I only have nine thousands on Sep 20. ( 特定日期用on, 並且月份的第一個字都需要大寫!!)

=介係詞 In vs. On =

* 用於時間上面

In: 用在長時間,例如年, 月, 一段時間
(Ex: in 2001 , in October , in this period)

On: 用在短時間, 例如特定日期,節日
( Ex: on Oct. 19, 2010, On Christmas, On New Year Holiday)

* 用在地點上面

In: 在什麼地方裡面
( Ex: in the classroom, in the living room..)

On: 在什麼地方上面
( Ex: on the desk, on the table..)

(順便請老師說一下IN ON 哪個用於特定地點和日期!!)

8)I cross before me,and best pass best. => 此句話不清楚要表達為何

9) Good start and best power , across anythings. => 此句表達不清楚, 如果要說好的開始還有好的能力可以克服一切, 可寫成: To have the excellent ability in the beginning can get over anything!