用越南春捲皮來做空氣小零嘴 無油無糖的酥脆點心 air snacks
用越南春捲皮來做空氣小零嘴 無油無糖的酥脆點心
Using Vietnamese spring roll wrappers to make air snacks, an oil-free and sugar-free crispy treat
【料理影音剪輯請參考 https://youtu.be/3qg5KEEH1pQ】
The application of Vietnamese spring roll wrappers is quite versatile, not limited to just making rolled snacks. The snack we are introducing today is a creative treat made with spring roll wrappers, free of oil and low in calories. It can be easily prepared with simple tools, resulting in adorable, round, and puffy finished products resembling balloons. The process of making them is both fun and enjoyable!
【For cooking video please to https://youtu.be/3qg5KEEH1pQ】
越南春捲皮 Vietnamese spring roll wrappers 2片/pieces
椒鹽粉 salt and pepper powder 少許/a little (吃原味的話可省略 If you eat the original flavor, you can omit it)
步驟做法 Steps
1. 將春捲皮整張浸入水中,直到變軟後取出。
Soak the entire spring roll wrapper in water until it becomes soft, then remove it.
2. 把2張春捲皮疊放,然後用喜愛的造型模具壓出形狀。
Place two spring roll wrappers on top of each other, then use a favorite mold to press out the desired shape.
3. 小心地把壓好形狀的春捲皮取出放在烤盤上,以烤溫170度烘烤8~10分鐘即可出爐。
Carefully remove the shaped spring roll wrapper and place it on a baking sheet. Bake at 170 degrees Celsius for 8 to 10 minutes until it's ready.
4. 把烤好的脆餅放入密封袋裡,灑上椒鹽粉混合均勻,就是好吃的空氣餅乾囉~
Put the baked crispy crackers into a sealed bag, sprinkle with salt and pepper powder and mix well, and there you have it, delicious airy crackers!
看著春捲皮在烘烤過程中慢慢膨脹鼓起,非常有趣!! 烤好後會非常輕薄酥脆,一拍即碎!! 可以單吃也能沾些調味醬一起吃。
Watching the spring roll wrappers slowly inflate and puff up during the baking process is so much fun!! Once baked, they become incredibly thin, light, and crispy, easily crumbling at a touch! They can be enjoyed on their own or paired with some dipping sauce.
These airy little snacks are satisfying and perfect for curbing your cravings. It's super simple to make, so give it a try!