2023-07-26 09:09:34meiggy

奇亞籽檸檬桂花凍飲 美容養顏 清涼消暑氣 Chia Seed Lemon Osmanthus Jelly Drink

奇亞籽檸檬桂花凍飲 美容養顏 清涼消暑氣
Chia Seed Lemon Osmanthus Jelly Drink - Beauty-enhancing, Refreshing, and Cooling

夏日炎炎,就想來杯清涼的手搖飲品消消暑氣!! 雖然手搖飲料店隨處可見,但考量荷包及健康下,自製飲品還是相對划算的,喜歡的配料也能任意調配。

單沖泡檸檬水,有些人可能會覺得太酸,因此適當的加點桂花凍,不但增加口感,那香氣也十分迷人...另外再加上些許奇亞籽,可讓口感更加乘...放置冷藏半天後,冰冰涼涼飲用超棒的!! 做法十分簡單,一起來試試吧!!

【料理影音剪輯請參考 https://youtu.be/XPPZZDSUJJw

On a scorching summer day, I crave a refreshing handcrafted drink to beat the heat! While bubble tea shops are everywhere, making your own beverage is not only cost-effective but also a healthier option. Plus, you have the freedom to customize it with your favorite ingredints.

Some people find plain lemon water too sour, so adding a touch of osmanthus jelly not only enhances the taste but also infuses a delightful fragrance. And to take it up a notch, a dash of chia seeds adds a wonderful texture to the drink. After chilling it in the fridge for a while, it becomes an incredibly refreshing and icy treat! The preparation is straightforward, so why not give it a try!

【For cooking video please to https://youtu.be/XPPZZDSUJJw


桂花凍 osmanthus jelly 

吉利丁粉 Gelatin powder 12g
水 water 500ml
乾燥桂花 dried osmanthus 1大匙/tbsp
蜂蜜 honey 2大匙/tbsp

奇亞籽 chia seeds 2大匙/tbsp
檸檬汁 lemon juice 適量/appropriate amount
開水 boiled water 300ml


 1. 首先製作桂花凍,取一小鍋,倒入500ml水,加入乾燥桂花、蜂蜜混拌均勻。

First, make the osmanthus jelly. Take a small saucepan, pour in 500ml of water, and add dried osmanthus, mixing it well with honey.

2. 接著加入吉利丁粉, 拌至粉末完全溶於水中後,開大火煮滾後熄火。

Next, add the gelatin powder and stir until the powder is completely dissolved in the water. Then, turn the heat to high and bring it to a boil before turning off the heat.

3. 將果凍液倒入耐熱容器裡,放置冰箱冷藏半天即完成。(凝結後的桂花凍直接單吃就很好吃了!!)

Pour the jelly mixture into a heat-resistant container and refrigerate it for half a day to set. (The osmanthus jelly, once it solidifies, is delicious on its own!)

4. 將凝結後的桂花凍取出切塊,加入300ml開水、檸檬汁,以及2大匙奇亞籽,等靜置約10分鐘奇亞籽吸收水分膨脹並呈現膠狀物質,再攪打均勻即可食用。喜歡甜一點的朋友可以加入適量蜂蜜來調整口感,加入些許冰塊增加清涼感也不賴唷!!

After removing the set osmanthus jelly, cut it into pieces and add 300ml of boiled water, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds. Let it sit for about 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to absorb the liquid and form a gelatinous texture . Then, blend everything together until well mixed and ready to consume. If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can adjust the flavor by adding some honey. Adding a few ice cubes also enhances the refreshing sensation! Enjoy!


Let it sit for 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to expand and form a gel-like substance.


Amidst the sweet and tangy flavors, there's the delightful fragrance of osmanthus, and the slippery smooth texture is incredibly satisfying.

Bottle it up and take the refreshing goodness with you wherever you go!