以麵包機來製作蜂蜜核桃吐司 懶人食譜 Honey Walnut Toast
以麵包機來製作蜂蜜核桃吐司 全程機器代勞的懶人食譜
Making Honey Walnut Toast with a Bread Maker: Lazy Recipe with the Bread Maker Doing All the Work
【料理影音剪輯請參考 https://youtu.be/0Gxmu4NeFbo】
Incorporate walnuts into the dough to combine the fragrance of the nuts with the aroma of honey. The addition of honey makes the toast even more delicate and soft, with a slightly sweet taste. The embedded crushed walnuts add texture, becoming more fragrant as you chew.
The advantage of using a bread maker is that by simply proportioning the bread ingredients, you can effortlessly make freshly baked toast. Moreover, you can freely add your favorite ingredients. It's easy to operate even for beginners, and of course, there's zero chance of failure!
If you prepare the ingredients in the blender the night before and set the desired time for bread consumption, you can sleep soundly knowing that you'll wake up to the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread in the morning!
【For cooking video please to https://youtu.be/0Gxmu4NeFbo】
材料 food preparation
中筋麵粉 all purpose flour 200g
無鹽奶油 unsalted butter 10g
酵母粉 yeast powder 3g
鹽巴 salt 3g
蜂蜜 honey 15g
開水 water 140ml
核桃 walnut 50g
步驟做法 steps
As mentioned, this is a completely effortless way to make toast. Simply place all the ingredients in the bread mixing container in the correct order, set the process, press the start button, and then you can wait for the finished product to bake.😁
1. 把麵包體材料 (核桃除外): 開水、鹽巴、蜂蜜、奶油、麵粉、酵母粉依序放入麵包機的麵包盒裡,接著設定基本麵包製程,按下開關進行攪拌。(我使用的這款麵包機,基本麵包製程,揉製加發酵再加烤製需時2小時55分)
Put the bread ingredients (excluding walnuts) in the following order: water, salt, honey, butter, flour, and yeast into the bread pan of the bread maker. Then, set the basic bread-making process and press the start button to initiate the mixing. (For the bread maker I am using, the basic bread-making process, including kneading, proofing, and baking, takes approximately 2 hours and 55 minutes.)
2. 在麵糰攪拌期間,將核桃用手捏成小碎塊,再放入麵包機上方的果料盒裡。(麵包機製程大約進行50~60分鐘後,會自動進行投料,將果料盒裡的食材投入麵糰裡一同攪拌)
During the dough mixing process, take the walnuts and manually crush them into small pieces, then place them in the ingredient dispenser located on top of the bread maker. (After approximately 50-60 minutes into the bread maker's cycle, it will automatically dispense the ingredients from the ingredient dispenser into the dough for further mixing.)
3. 之後只要等待麵包機烤製完成即可。中間過程可以完成不需要關注或動手,相當方便吧!!
Afterward, you just have to wait for the bread maker to finish baking. The process in between requires no attention or manual intervention, making it incredibly convenient!