2023-07-12 08:42:55meiggy

純粹杯子雞蛋糕 香濃鬆軟 傳統古早味 The purest egg cupcake

純粹杯子雞蛋糕 香濃鬆軟 傳統古早味
The purest egg cupcake, rich and soft, traditional and ancient taste



【料理影音剪輯請參考 https://youtu.be/n8jgvH5002I

It is an extremely simple basic cake, and it is also the purest taste. Baked cupcakes can be decorated with ever-changing decorations, and they are an indispensable part of party desserts.

The cupcake is small and cute, with a pure and pure egg fragrance under the simple appearance. The taste is soft and dense, and it tastes like a egg cake. It is a small snack that is suitable for all ages.

【For cooking video please to https://youtu.be/n8jgvH5002I

材料 food preparation 

雞蛋 egg 5顆
鮮奶 fresh milk 45g
砂糖 sugar 60g
有鹽奶油 salted butter 40g
中筋麵粉 all purpose flour 90g
檸檬汁 lemon juice 1g

步驟做法 steps

1. 將蛋黃、蛋白分開。

Separate egg yolks from whites

2. 奶油微波軟化後,加入鮮奶攪拌均勻。接著倒入麵粉再拌勻。

After the cream has softened in the microwave, add the fresh milk and stir well. Then pour in the flour and mix well

3. 加入蛋黃,將其拌成細緻滑順的蛋黃糊狀。

Add the egg yolk and mix it into a fine and smooth egg yolk paste

4. 蛋白加入檸檬汁、糖,打發至成尖鉤狀態。

Add lemon juice and sugar to the protein, and whipping egg white until it becomes a stiff peaks

5. 將蛋白霜先倒1/3與蛋黃糊混合,再將剩下的蛋白霜全數倒入切拌均勻。

Pour 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk paste, then pour the rest of the meringue into it and mix well.

6. 將完成的蛋糕糊盛入事先備好的杯模中,約8分滿。上下震一震將氣泡震出。

Pour the finished cake batter into the pre-prepared cup mold, about 8 points full. Shake up and down to shake out the air bubbles

7. 放入烤箱135度烘烤30分鐘,接著溫度調高為150度再續烤3~5分鐘,待蛋糕表面金黃上色後即完成。

Put it in the oven and bake at 135 degrees for 30 minutes, then increase the temperature to 150 degrees and continue to bake for 3~5 minutes, and the cake will be finished when the surface of the cake is colored.