2023-07-11 07:42:26meiggy

美麗的糖玻璃餅乾 色彩繽紛超夢幻 Beautiful Sugar Glass Cookies

美麗的糖玻璃餅乾 色彩繽紛超夢幻
Beautiful Sugar Glass Cookies with Vibrant Colors



【料理影音剪輯請參考 https://youtu.be/C-Tf-TwPAhc

These seemingly magical sugar glass cookies are actually quite simple to make. All you need is some readily available hard candies, which you can fill into the hollow spaces of the cookies. Then, heat them again until the candies melt and fill the cavities. Once cooled, they will solidify into exquisite and gorgeous cookies!

Crunchy cookies with sweet candies embedded inside, the translucent and sparkling sugar centers resemble the beautiful stained glass of a church. They have a faint glow and shimmer when held up to the light. This enchanting combination is incredibly popular and captivating to the eye... Use it to create wonderful memories during joyful festivals!

【For cooking video please to https://youtu.be/C-Tf-TwPAhc

材料 food preparation 

硬質水果糖 hard fruit candy 適量/Several
砂糖 sugar 80g
中筋麵粉 all purpose flour 220g
無鹽奶油 unsalted butter 90g
雞蛋 egg 1顆
鹽巴salt 1g

步驟做法 steps

1. 無鹽奶油微波軟化,加入糖、鹽混合均勻。

Soften butter in the microwave and mix it evenly with sugar and salt

2. 加入蛋液拌勻後,再倒入麵粉拌成均勻麵糰。覆上保鮮膜冰凍30分鐘 (冰凍過後的麵糰比較好塑形)

After adding the egg liquid and mixing well, pour in the flour and mix until a smooth dough is formed. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and freeze for 30 minutes (chilling the dough helps with shaping)

3. 之後取出,將麵糰擀至約0.5cm厚度,再以適當器具壓印成形,中間再選用小一點的模具挖出中空。

Afterwards, remove the dough and roll it out to approximately 0.5cm thickness. Then, use suitable tools to press and shape the dough, and use a smaller mold to create a hollow in the center.

4. 將塑形完成的餅乾麵糰排列於烤盤上,烤箱溫度設定180度烘烤10分鐘。

Arrange the shaped cookie dough on a baking sheet and set the oven temperature to 180 degrees Celsius. Bake for 10 minutes.

5. 待餅乾出爐後,將糖果放在餅乾中空處,再以烤箱溫度180度烘烤8分鐘,直至糖果融化即可。等放涼且糖果也定形後,就可以取下品嚐囉~ 

Once the cookies are out of the oven, place the candies in the hollow centers of the cookies. Bake them again at 180 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes, or until the candies have melted. Allow the cookies to cool completely and for the candies to set. Then, you can remove them and enjoy!

用不同顏色的糖果來製作,就可以變化出繽紛色彩的各式餅乾~ 保證吸睛不已!!!

By using candies of different colors, you can create a variety of vibrant and colorful cookies. They are guaranteed to catch everyone's attention!