2005-04-12 12:47:58hc



小讀者 留言:「Tufte這是經典 !A picture is worth thousand words! …
小讀者天天就是在做乏味的發威點... 」

HC:「me, too.」

rl 留言:「
re: 小讀者天天就是在做乏味的發威點...
樂 」

Tufte* 教授既是(社政)統計教授又兼(印刷)設計專家(Edward R. Tufte--the man the New York Times called "the da Vinci of data" because of his concisely written and artfully illustrated books on the visual display of data…)。

2年多前,他出書並辦研討會,又掀起討論風。因為他指出,每天數以百萬記的powerpoint ,不只乏味,而且多半根本不知自己在幹什麼……我在寶成Nike事業部當顧問時還以它為教材。

Feynman diagrams are the embodiment of what Tufte teaches about analytical design: "Good displays of data help to reveal knowledge relevant to understanding mechanism, process and dynamics, cause and effect." We see the unthinkable and think the unseeable. "Visual representations of evidence should be governed by principles of reasoning about quantitative evidence. Clear and precise seeing becomes as one with clear and precise thinking."
(The Feynman-Tufte Principle
A visual display of data should be simple enough to fit on the side of a van
By Michael Shermer )

Feynman 圖示法,正是Tufte所教的,關於分析設計的具體化之實例: "優良的資料顯示可幫助顯露與瞭解的機制有關的知識、過程和其動態力之作用(process and dynamics)、因和果之作用。" 我們因此可以看見難以想像的,並能思考肉眼未能見識的(unseeable)。 "證據的視覺表示法應該由關於定量證據的推理原則所主導。這樣,明白而精確的觀看,可以轉化成思考上的清楚和精確。"

Tufte codified the design process into six principles: "(1) documenting the sources and characteristics of the data, (2) insistently enforcing appropriate comparisons, (3) demonstrating mechanisms of cause and effect, (4) expressing those mechanisms quantitatively, (5) recognizing the inherently multivariate nature of analytic problems, (6) inspecting and evaluating alternative explanations." In brief, "information displays should be documentary, comparative, causal and explanatory, quantified, multivariate, exploratory, skeptical."
Tufte 編撰了設計過程入六項原則: "(1) 提供該資料(數據)的來源和特徵 (2) 能一貫地進行適當的比較, (3) 展示因和果之機制, (4) 定量地表達那些機制, (5) 認清分析性問題本身具多維的本質, (6) 檢查和評估諸可供選擇方案的解釋。" 簡而言之, "資訊之顯示,應該是包括詳實的紀錄檔、可相互比較的、(前)因和(後)果、 定量的、多變數兼顧、探索性、具懷疑批判精神的。"

BOOK] The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
ER Tufte, GM Schmieg - Cited by 988 -
Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press. tullis, 1981
[BOOK] Envisioning Information
ER Tufte, GP Cheshire –
Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press 126p, 1990
[BOOK] Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
ER Tufte, B Scranton, D Krasny - Cited by 329 - Visual explanations : images and quantities, evidence and narrative • By: Edward
R Tufte • Publisher: Cheshire, Conn. : Graphics Press, ©1997. ...
Cheshire, CT: Graphics, 1997 - link.aip.org
[BOOK] Political Control of the Economy
ER Tufte - Cited by 198 -Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Politics, 1978
[BOOK] Size and Democracy
RA Dahl, ER Tufte - Cited by 99 -
Stanford: Stanford University Press. El sesgo participativo …, 1973