2004-09-13 22:37:34hc



五十嵐裕治等『看見‧村上春樹』(Tribute to HARUKI MURAKAMI)(楊詠婷等譯,台北:尖端出版,2004)


村上春樹現代啟示錄:由於語文互譯問題,越戰電影《越戰獵鹿人》在林少華譯的村上春樹《村上朝日堂的捲土重來》(上海:譯文),變成,《親愛的獵手》(Dear Hunter)等。(p.49)真是「終究悲哀的外國語」!

村上春樹連巴爾札克的作品,都喜歡看英譯本,可見他對英文情有獨忠。他的翻譯出版品都是他喜歡的作品,有的還說「一定要親自譯」,言外之意是否有些翻譯槍手,不得而知。(「他的翻譯出版品」並不是Haruki Murakami's Translated Works-- 這是他作品之英譯)。


1981 My Lost City by F. Scott Fitzgerald
1983 Where I’m Calling From by Reymond Carver
1985 At Night the salmon Move by Reymond Carver
繪本 The Wreck of the Zepher by Chris Van Allsberg
1986 Setting Free the Bears by John Irving (自言花兩年功夫翻譯)
1987 Word’s End by Paul Theroux
The great Dethriffe by C. D. B Bryan(1970; out of print)
The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsberg
1988 I Remmber Grandpa by Truman Capote
And Other Stories (與人共譯的12篇短篇小說)
1989 A Small Good Thing by Reymond Carver
The Stranger by Chris Van Allsberg
The Nuclear Age by Tim O’Brian
One Chrismas by Truman Capote
1990 What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Reymond Carver
The Thing They Carried by Tim O’Brian
A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote
The Mystery of harris Burdik by Chris Van Allsberg
1991 Will You Please Quiet, Please by Reymond Carver
Swan Lake Draw by Chris Van Allsberg
1992 Fires by Reymond Carver
1993 The widow’s Broom by Chris Van Allsberg
Catwings by Ursula K. Le Quin
Catwings Return by Ursula K. Le Quin
1994 Elephant/ Short Cuts by Reymond Carver
Carver’s Dozen by Reymond Carver
Carver’s Country—The World of Reymond Carver
The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsberg
Sundden Fiction (與人共譯的短篇小說集)