2019-10-05 14:36:54流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(946)Teenage Queenie

荷蘭鄉村流行樂團Pussycat中的三位女生,是同父母的姊妹,最年幼的妹妹Toni Kowalczyk ( 為樂團主唱,其招牌特徵是金髮和門牙的裂縫。) 出生前不久,親生父親才因淋巴癌過世。三姊妹會走上音樂之路,應該要感謝繼父的栽培,除了給每個人買民謠吉他及請吉他老師,還帶領她們參加一些才藝的表演。

1963,Toni才10歲,三姊妹就組成了合唱團體The Singing Sisters,之後隨著音樂潮流的轉變,再加入了一位女性鼓手Tonny Jeroense,並稱自己的團體為The BG's 或The Best Girls from Holland,也是荷蘭最早的女性樂團之一。她們喜歡唱Bee Gees和Motown ( 摩城唱片公司,幾乎都是黑人歌手。) 的歌,故也被稱作是Dutch Beegees。

The BGs from Holland - in the late 1960s (Left to Right) Tonny Jeroense, Marianne, Betty and Toni Kowalczyk


1973,三姊妹的樂團加入了幾位男生,其中Lou Willé原為Ricky Rendall的吉他手 ( 為Toni的前夫 ),另外三位則原為Scum樂團的團員 ( 包含了兩位姊姊的吉他老師Werner Theunissen ),組成了Sweet Reaction樂團 ( 也是為Pussycat樂團的前身 )。1975,在EMI唱片公司的支持下,以Pussycat為樂團名稱,發行了Werner Theunissen所寫的一首《Mississippi》,此曲在歐洲多個國家包含英國,均奪得排行榜的冠軍,自此也開創了Pussycat樂團的歷史。

Werner Theunissen (左2)Lou Willé (右)with members of Pussycat

此首《Teenage Queenie》也是由Werner Theunissen所寫,為Pussycat 1981發行的單曲,在荷蘭排行榜獲得第33名。此曲說的是青春期中的少女,喜歡作超齡打扮?男友一堆,愛慕虛榮 ( 愛坐高級大車?),經常徹夜未歸,真是讓父母擔心又緊張。好在當年沒有網路,否則還會偷偷的去找男網友,也是會讓家長傷透腦筋。



Your Daddy had been looking while Mommy stayed inside

And if you ever show up before the morning light
Everything that's said and done is not your point of view.
You stayed the whole night through with your friend Jeanny -
Teenage Queenie.
You may be good-looking but you don't know how to be -
Your wardrobe's always empty.
And no one's ever seen you've been growing for some time
Had lovers quite a few.
Now all you ever do is being dreamy - Teenage Queenie.

Teenage Queenie
you're lost every night
And your Mommy's worried your Daddy's uptight.
Teenage Queenie
you still got to grow
but if you wanny be free there's a long time to go.

You like to hear the music - dance on the beat

Where ever it goes slowly it's not your kind of speed.
Your sister has been seeing you in some big shining car
He owned the bar a fellah called Rossini - Teenage Queenie.