2017-04-16 10:54:47流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(700) Never Marry A Railroad Man

荷蘭樂團Shocking Blue於1967成立於海牙 (Hague),1968以一首《Lucy Brown is Back in Town》打開了地區性的一些知名度。隨後因主唱加入軍旅,而找了女歌手Mariska Veres來頂替。Mariska Veres除了有特異渾厚的嗓音,在造型上也喜歡塗上如阿拉伯婦女般的深色眼線,以及一頭烏溜的長髮 ( 當時其實是假髮 )。1969,Shocking Blue以一首《Venus》拿下了美國告示牌排行榜的冠軍,唱片在全世界的銷售量超過了750萬張,也因而成為了國際知名的樂團。

Mariska Veres


 此首《Never Marry A Railroad Man》為緊接著《Venus》於1970推出的歌曲,成績亦相當耀眼,唱片銷售量也超過了百萬張。而該團隨後的一些歌曲雖然在歐洲、拉丁美洲和亞洲都還算成功,但卻無緣再打進美國排行榜。

1974,Mariska Veres離團單飛,Shocking Blue也跟著解散。雖然在1979、1980及1984樂團又重新復合,卻再也無法重返昔日的榮光。Mariska Veres於2006因癌症病故,得年59歲且終生未嫁。

Have you been broken-hearted once or twice
If it's yes how did you feel at his first lies
If it's no you need this good advice

Never marry a Railroad man
He loves you every now and then
His heart is at his new train. No, no, no
Don't fall in love with a Railroad man
If you do forget him if you can
You're better off without him ah

Have you ever been restless in your bed
And so lonely that your eyes became wet
Let me tell you then one thing