2018-11-18 23:14:52Lonely Planet

I accept

whatever comes before my eyes
I'll accept and take them as challenges assigned
For what I've learned; everything shall and will be ok in the end.
We shall and will live in the end.

I respect the tests dawned on me without warnings
I accept the doubts and wounds on the way
I regret that still the lessons were not kicking in
I thank the messenger/s with no anger
As if they are the sharp alarms prior to bigger chaos.

I accept my weakness
I accept the imperfection of my universe
I accept losing control
I accept the devils and angels around

on the shaky windy ride
May the force be with me and us all.
zhouguigui 2018-11-19 14:47:06

金樽版2H2D http://seyouvip.com/goods-232.html

免費小遊戲 2018-11-19 11:43:20
